
14 08, 2020


2020-08-14T03:52:07+12:00August 14th, 2020|Uncategorized|

The 6 meter PAWITA pilot is a great new addition to the Peter Lynn Kite range of pilots. This kite is one of AWITA's (A kite flying team in France) favorite kites.  We produced it for them and now we are lucky enough to produce it for everyone else :) [...]

23 07, 2019

What damages your Show Kites

2019-09-27T23:00:20+12:00July 23rd, 2019|Uncategorized, What's New??|

I always find it interesting watching the extent some people go through to preserve the life of their Show Kite. The Show Kites we take to events are packed dry and that is about it. Our kites are designed to fly in the toughest of conditions.  It is not uncommon [...]

27 11, 2018

2018-11-27T00:45:02+13:00November 27th, 2018|Uncategorized|

  NEW NEW NEW: We now have some fantastic Camel Kites in stock designed by Dirk & Sonja Kruger. The Camel is available in 2 sizes, 1.6 meter and a 3 meter, available in Brown or Beige. Contact kitefacktory@plk.nz if you would like any more information. Click here to go [...]

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