What’s New??

News, events, new products and anything else news worthy in the kite-flying world.

21 07, 2015

Matariki 2015

2018-04-12T22:30:57+12:00July 21st, 2015|What's New??|

Materiki is the celebration of the Maori New Year and traditionally one of the ways it is celebrated is by flying kites. Every year a team from Peter Lynn Kites goes to Auckland to fly kites with other eager kite flyers from around New Zealand for the [...]

9 04, 2015

New Inflatable Show Kites

2018-04-24T10:37:53+12:00April 9th, 2015|What's New??|

We are glad to announce we have some new inflatable Show kites! A 12 meter long Pegasus kite, A 6 meter long Terry the Turtle kite and a 5 meter long Easter Island Head. Click here to go to our Show kite page to see our full [...]

15 07, 2014

Toothless through Tower Bridge London

2018-04-25T01:04:45+12:00July 15th, 2014|What's New??|

Another great video of the Toothless Kite that we made for 20th Century Fox’s ‘How To Train A Dragon 2’. Flying through Tower Bridge in London. The Toothless Kite is 18 meters long and has a wingspan of 11 meters. The kite flyers on the day were Blake Pelton, Peter and Elwyn Lynn, Simon and Lyndall Chisnall and Paul Reynolds.

3 07, 2014

Adventures in London

2018-04-25T01:11:23+12:00July 3rd, 2014|What's New??|

Another great video of the Toothless Kite that we made for 20th Century Fox’s ‘How To Train A Dragon 2’. Flying through Tower Bridge in London. The Toothless Kite is 18 meters long and has a wingspan of 11 meters. The kite flyers on the day were Blake Pelton, Peter and Elwyn Lynn, Simon and Lyndall Chisnall and Paul Reynolds.

11 05, 2014

Blue Whale Kite in a Ballet

2018-04-25T01:14:17+12:00May 11th, 2014|What's New??|

At Peter Lynn Kites our show kites have been inflated outside for static displays in shopping malls and museums. But I think this is a first, the Blue Whale being used in a ballet, as you will see from the photos it looked amaizing! The ballet is [...]

14 03, 2014

Cha-am International Kite Festival 2014

2018-04-25T01:23:46+12:00March 14th, 2014|What's New??|

The busy International Kite Festival season is well under way for another year. There seems to be more events every year with at least one event every week. The week just been being a very busy one for the Peter Lynn Kites Team. Gav Mulvay attending the [...]

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