I Blame the Chinese (At least it’s a change from blaming America).
Specifically: at 105 Alford Forest Rd, Ashburton New Zealand between the hours of 12noon and 12.30pm on Wednesday the 15th of October 2008, Tan Xi Bo and Wang Xiaping did fail to prevent one blue ultra light 8m Pilot kite from becoming irretrievably treed.
The facts are simple, and can’t be disputed (because I didn’t give them an opportunity). During the morning I’d launched the said kite and tied it off. Mr’s Tan and Wang, visiting from China, were flying some other kites in the same area (beside the kite factory) during this period. At 12 noon I went away for lunch, while they stayed and flew for a while longer. Shortly after I departed, the kite I’d left flying became irretrievably entangled in a tree. Clearly it was their fault – and they were late for lunch as well.

The tree kept a bit