What’s New??

News, events, new products and anything else news worthy in the kite-flying world.

6 08, 2010


2022-03-10T17:39:44+13:00August 6th, 2010|What's New??|

Our Peter Lynn Cuttlefish is the best looking Cuttlefish in the sky. Buy straight from a recommended dealer or get in touch with Jenny at the factory in New Zealand at kitefactory@plk.nz They are in hot demand but we have a few in stock at the moment looking for [...]

4 08, 2010

Karen Cartlidge

2018-05-01T04:42:51+12:00August 4th, 2010|What's New??|

Our wonderful friend Karen, sent us this link to her You tube video. She is our crash test dummy, when it comes to trying out new and exciting prototype parts for our buggy’s. Maybe one day she will head out our way down under to try her hand at [...]

4 08, 2010

New Zealand Post Matariki stamps

2018-05-01T04:40:43+12:00August 4th, 2010|What's New??|

With Peters news letter being very interesting reading I thought that I would post (pun) these marvelous stamps from Post New Zealand to commerate Matariki. This is also the festival that Simon, Craig, Lyndall and Debbie went to in Auckland last month. Check out the photos that [...]

23 07, 2010

New prototype downtube

2018-05-01T05:01:46+12:00July 23rd, 2010|What's New??|

We here at the Peter Lynn Factory in New Zealand, are always on the look out for new ideas and ways to improve your buggy experience, and the latest invention of our manger Craig Hansen is the prototype Carbon Composite down tube. We have an awesome crash test dummy [...]

22 07, 2010

Matariki 2010

2018-05-01T05:06:14+12:00July 22nd, 2010|What's New??|

This year Craig , Debbie Hansen , Lyndall Chisnall and myself (Simon) were offered the opportunity to fly kites and celebrate the Maori New Year in Auckland, New Zealand. It is celebrated when a small cluster of stars called Matariki are visable in the night sky just [...]

24 06, 2010

Harry De Haan

2018-05-01T05:07:25+12:00June 24th, 2010|What's New??|

I’ve sent two new photos of me. I am buying the new reactor 2 kite, already in my bag 3.5 and 4.4, colour blue, white, gray. Reactor 1 size 2.2 and 2.9 and 3.8 and 4.9 and 6.4. My oldest son Rick 13 is also kitebugging the last few [...]

5 02, 2010

India Gujarat International Kite Festival

2018-05-01T05:17:16+12:00February 5th, 2010|What's New??|

Recently Pam Shanahan and I, (Simon Chisnall) attended the Gujarat kite festival from the 10th to the 14th of January 2010. I think it is well worth it for any kite flyer. The festival is to celebrate the Indian festival of Uttaraayan – the end of a [...]

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