What’s New??

News, events, new products and anything else news worthy in the kite-flying world.

10 10, 2010

Top speed and an angry Scorpion!!!!

2018-05-01T03:51:48+12:00October 10th, 2010|What's New??|

Hi All at Peter Lynn. I’m just writing to tell you of a great day had by several of us in our kite buggies. We all ventured down to Sandy Point (a 2.5 hour drive) for a midday tide, and conditions were not looking the best, it rained most [...]

6 10, 2010


2018-05-01T03:58:02+12:00October 6th, 2010|What's New??|

US$1000 Reward offered for lost bag containing unique kite prototype. A bag (see photo) containing the scale prototype (see photo) for the next Guinness record biggest kite (to be in the shape of a sting ray,) was lost during a sequence of flights starting with NZ548, from [...]

6 10, 2010

Geoff out and about with his buggy and kites

2018-05-01T03:52:51+12:00October 6th, 2010|What's New??|

Geoff out and about with his buggy and kites This is our Good Friend Geoff, a fellow wind driven individual and one of the Sahara 4 that crossed the desert last year, he took a trip in to the red centre of Australia to find a buggy spot to [...]

28 09, 2010


2018-05-01T04:05:07+12:00September 28th, 2010|What's New??|

This is our new kite. His name is Surge, and he is for a customer in the UK. He made his debut (although it was quickly) in Europe last week. It was said that the children (who as kite flyers some of you know) the little darlings [...]

10 09, 2010

Kite Festivals at Dieppe and Scheveningen

2018-05-01T04:17:39+12:00September 10th, 2010|What's New??|

Peter and Matt are both in Europe at the moment flying at Dieppe. They will be flying a wide variety of kites at the festival from 11- 19 September, and then they will be flying at Scheveningen on the 24 – 26th September. This will be the [...]

6 09, 2010

Earthquake Banner 4/09/10

2018-05-01T04:19:48+12:00September 6th, 2010|What's New??|

We all woke on Saturday morning very abruptly as a massive 7.1 earthquake shook the South Island of New Zealand. It was centred in Darfield which was very close to Christchurch. Ashburton was very lucky and apart from the violent shaking, we had no damage to people [...]

3 09, 2010

T T RAY (tribal tattoo ray)

2018-05-01T04:22:19+12:00September 3rd, 2010|What's New??|

This is the new TT RAY. A really impressive Ray when he flies. Has all the qualities of the standard sting ray, and looks breathtaking with the designs tattooed into his lower skin. He can be made in different colours. We are working on the other sizes, [...]

31 08, 2010

Penguins in Fiji!!!!!!!!!

2018-05-01T04:27:51+12:00August 31st, 2010|What's New??|

Our friend Erik was flying his penguin in Fiji, and sent us this email with some pictures. “I have been flying my mid size penguin a lot (mostly on holiday in Fiji), and I love it, it is a fantastic kite to have and fly.” Who said penguins cant [...]

31 08, 2010

The Blue Whale

2018-05-01T04:25:14+12:00August 31st, 2010|What's New??|

THE MASSIVE BLUE WHALE HAS ARRIVED AT PETER LYNN KITES Welcome to our new kite the 30 m long, massive blue whale. Larger than a maxi he is a one off (at the moment), but midis and minis are in the process of being produced. He is [...]

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