Kite Designer

Kite Designer2018-08-26T11:43:10+12:00

Peter Lynn

Peter Lynn is the reason we are here today, and [...]

Simon Chisnall

I got my first kite when I was eight,  it was a Peter Lynn octopus [...]

Volker Hoberg

Volker Hoberg, good friend of Peter Lynn kites, founder member of [...]

Blake Pelton

Blake Pelton has made flying kites his life for over [...]

Jan O Loughlin

Born in New Zealand, Jan moved to Australia some years [...]

Kevin Sanders

Kevin is from Australia and an avid kite flier and [...]

David Gomberg

Gomberg Kite Productions, International, is a kite product distributor, and [...]

Claudio Capelli

Kite Designed: Cherub|Gorilla Claudio world renowned artist and kite maker, [...]

Freddy Stapersma

Kite Designed: Freddy's Dolphin Kite kit Freddy Stapersma is [...]

Trent Baker

Kite Designed: Wolf Trent has been around kite flyers [...]

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